Day in the Life
Here’s what a day at Children’s School and Montessori would be like if you were to put yourself in your child’s pint-sized shoes.
9:00–9:20 Outside Time
Children say goodbye to parents and hello to their teachers and a huge playground filled with friends and fun.
9:20 Circle Time
Each morning, the kids gather to discuss our monthly theme, update our daily calendar, discuss our letter of the week, share artwork, sing songs, learn lessons and conduct experiments as a group. During the year, we introduce either Spanish or French and sign language into our games, songs and counting exercises.
9:40-ish Work Time
After Circle Time, the kids disperse and get down to work. To encourage independence and decision-making, we have created a well-prepared classroom where kids are free to explore at their own pace, and delve into the learning exercises that appeal to them: practical life, math, language, art, geography, science, and sensorial.
11:15 Circle Time
The kids reconvene and enjoy stories, music, finger plays, group games, and the ever-popular Show & Tell.
11:30 Lunch/Recess
After a productive morning, students head outside to dash around our large playground, climb on our play structure, dig in the sandbox, and get a healthy dose of fresh air. During outdoor play time, our full-day students rotate inside to eat lunch brought from home.
1:00 Afternoon Class
There is a special focus each year for the afternoon class, such as geography or the alphabet. We explore our theme as a group through cooking, art and stories. Then the children are dismissed for another work period—engaging themselves in interesting activities. During this time, they learn to make choices and gain fulfillment from completing an activity they have chosen.
2:45 Closing Circle
The class gathers together one more time to end their day with songs, stories and poems.
3:00 Play Time
Children may go outside to play while waiting to be picked up. Children who stay for extended care will enjoy a snack and supervised free play for the remainder of the afternoon.